Go Fish: Swimming Toward Self-Control — ChildTherapyToys

Go Fish: Swimming Toward Self-Control

Product Number : W-625L

  • All children need help with self-control from time to time
  • This fun game helps players learn how to take charge of their impulses using proven techniques
  • Ages 5 and up, 2-5 players

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by Franklin Learning Systems

Swimming Toward Self-Control addresses the importance self-control and impulse control during school, home, and after-school activities. Even kids who have not received a diagnosis of ADD or ADHD have problems with self-control from time to time. Everybody has impulses that could cause inappropriate behavior.

This game helps players take charge of their impulses instead of their impulses taking charge of them. The game utilizes proven techniques for improving self-control, including pausing to think about possible consequences, delaying gratification, self-talk, and problem-solving strategies.

Includes two decks of 50 cards (each deck is a different skill level), rules sheet, and facilitator guidelines. For 2-5 players ages 5 and up.

3" X 2" X 3.5"